Dressers are sometimes missed out or overlooked when planning for your new home. Here are some considerations in planning for your dresser – whether your routine is a 5-minute session in the morning or an hour long before a big night out!
1. Location
Do you like doing your make-up in the bathroom where you have access to the basin? Or would you rather have it done in a less humid space? For those who have a long routine and lots of make-up and cosmetics to store, we suggest dedicating an area near your wardrobe to do so, rather than the limited space in the bathroom.
If you can’t commit to a location, that’s fine too. Bespoke dressers do not have to be in a fixed position. It can be built for mobility so if that’s what you need, do speak to your designer about this.
Dresser built-in with the wardrobe. The pull-out mirror along with the wardrobe’s retractable door makes for a more comfortable and non-claustrophobic feel. Sufficient space catered for slotting a stool in when not in use. (Project Sensual Waters)
2. Sit or Stand?
How long is your usual routine? Do you prefer to sit or stand while doing your make up? If you prefer to take a seat while doing your make-up, ensure you have catered a space for a stool or small chair to be stowed away.
Table heights are usually about 75 cm tall for sitting configurations and about 90 cm tall for standing dressers.
Standing dresser as part of a TV console unit. (Project Oasis)
3. Lighting
What colour lighting do you prefer? Most people use Cool White rather than Warm White (which comes with an orange glow) when doing their make up. Cool White lighting makes it easier for accomplishing tasks and identifying colours.
Task lighting can be built-in, a simple table lamp or in the back light of a circular cosmetic mirror. The task lighting should illuminate your face and avoid shadows being cast on your face (which can happen when the light comes from behind or directly above you.
Vanity with upside down U-shaped lighting built-in. (Project Repository)
4. Mirror Mirror
Where will your mirror face? Most people aren’t comfortable with their mirror facing the bed. Think about where you want to be doing your make-up and what your mirror reflects when deciding on the dresser location. How big of a mirror do you need? Do you need an additional magnifying mirror?
Mirror mounted on a steel ladder to face away from the bed. The steel ladder doubles up as a decorative piece which divides the dresser from the TV console. (Project Oasis)
Last but not least, storage and organisation. Some things to think about:
- Will you need access to the mirror and cosmetics at the same time?
- How tall are your bottled cosmetics and perfumes? Most off-the-shelf dressers do not come with deep enough storage for cosmetics, perfumes and hair sprays.
- How much space do you need for now and for the future?
- Do you need power outlets (hairdryer, hair curler, shaver, table lamps, etc.)?
Vanity mirror with slide-out storage allowing you to have access to the mirror and cosmetics at the same time. (Project Invigoration)
Conceal the mirror and worktop items on top by simply keeping the lid down. A shallow drawer for cotton buds and make-up. A pull-out unit for tall bottles. (Project Fresh Take)
Want more professional advice on building your dream dresser? Speak to us for a complimentary on-site consultation. Click here to make an appointment.